Saturday 12 July 2014

Mint Leaf

Indoor Hydroponics Spear Mint Leaves

Mint derives its name from the Greek word Mentha. There are many species and hybrids available. Some are ornamental varieties and some are edible varieties. It is a very important culinary herbs stretches from the Far East to the West. It may be served as a tea, or added to various fizzy drinks or cocktails to give a refreshing flavour. Some people use dried mint leaf to substitute the fresh mint leaf for convenient purposes. However mint leaf loses its original flavour when dried. To make it readily available as a fresh kitchen herbs, one can plant it easily just by putting a  few stem cuttings in a glass of hydroponics mineral water, and put it near the kitchen windows where it receives bright sunlight, there one will be rewarded with a bountiful of fresh flavourful mint leaves. It can also be used for garnishing purposes. 

Hydroponics Basket of Spear Mint Leaf

Spear mint belongs to family Lamiaceae. Its genus is Mentha. Scientificically know as Mentha spicata. Some cultivar are variegated as shown in the picture. This yellow variegation stripes is needed for garnishing desserts. It has sweeter milder flavour than the green cultivar.

Variegated Cultivar

Green Cultivar

Mint propagates itself by extending its stem underground know as stolon in the nature. In this hydroponics basket, it is seen extending onto the floor. It has typical characteristics of flattened orientation of leaves and very thick stem.

Mint can also be propagated from seeds. It is used in hybridisation programme. Here i planted the mint in a garden pot. It grew and produced flower during the monsoon season when weather becomes colder. The flowers are born in spike and its stigma protruding like fur. It is light violet in colour and looks spectacular.


  1. So refreshing
    From Kenny

    1. Thank you Kenny. Yes indeed it is very fresh and flavourful. A very easy way to plant mint.
      From Danny
